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Foreign admins: myths and real facts about foreign managers

Every day a huge number of HYIP projects start for every taste and color. In this diversity, investors select optimal options for themselves and, for some reason, often actively hunt for foreign-made HYIPs. Why do foreign projects cause such an agiotage and whether there are foreign admins in reality - let's try to understand this article.

Quality mark: what are good foreign HYIPs?

In the HYIP industry there is an opinion that domestic administrators do not know how to work at all, they are greedy and do not give a profit. To the creators of HYIPs from abroad, the attitude is somewhat different: it is believed that these are the real professionals who are ready to fill the depositor with dollars from head to toe. So it is or not - no one knows for sure, nevertheless hunting for HYIPs-foreigners is actively continuing.

In addition, on forums and in various discussions, you can find a lot of posts about what not only know how to work well abroad, but also make high-quality ones. Allegedly, technical progress somewhere "over the hill" has long gone forward and only we continue to build HYIPs for long-forgotten technologies.

To refute all of the above, we do not undertake, we only note that the HYIPs are different - the slag is found both in us and in foreign comrades, as the work of various projects can be successful, or it can become a real disappointment. It is not worth all to row one size, but if you really trust the statistics and experience, then really projects from foreigners bring profit much more often. But in this issue, not everything is so simple, you need to penetrate more deeply into the topic.

Domestic administrator vs. Foreign pyramid builder: who works better?

We will not blacken the entire domestic sector of the HYIP industry and say that we have solid slags, but in general the situation is that with foreign administrators it is possible to earn more. Why does this happen? There is an explanation for this:

  • Foreign projects are designed for foreign investors, and those are very generous with large deposits. A good flow of funds allows the administrator to work for a long time and fruitfully, and we have the opportunity at this time to earn.
  • Its role is played by both mentality and other national characteristics. Let's not deny that the living standards abroad are higher, which means that what is considered to be big money for us, for a foreign government, may not be enough to close the project. If our administrator scams, having received tens of thousands of dollars, then the foreigner can not even repay his expenses with this money.
  • The English-language project is automatically international and can develop well in several countries at once. And although Russian admins can also make a website in English, but for an experienced eye of a foreign investor, mistakes and errors that are rolled for our compatriots do not escape.
  • Among foreign projects, there are more HYIPs with real activity, which allows paying long dividends to depositors, while among our main bulk of admins are fabricators.

As for the domestic administrators, they do not often have to work with large deposits and sometimes accidentally flown several thousand bucks can be fatal and will be a real test for the HYIP creator. And if you consider that we pyramid builders like to save on the preparation of the project, then it is much faster to repel it, and therefore the desire to fix the profit can at the root cut down all the administrator's altruistic impulses.

By the general result of the work of foreign and domestic projects, one can really conclude that foreigners can work. But the whole problem is that not everything that is considered foreign is really produced outside the CIS countries.

Admin mows under a foreigner: how to distinguish a domestic project from a foreign one?

The most interesting thing is that our admins have long caught the trend for foreign HYIPs and are trying in every possible way to impersonate foreigners. Sometimes it is possible and the fake is not distinguishable from the original, but more often it is difficult to find out who is who. In my experience, it may be noted that about 90% of HYIPs advertised on domestic resources are from the CIS, while there are very few really admins.

Help in determining the nationality of the HYIP administrator some tricks and a little analysis. So, you see before you the project in English and want to know how true its creator in terms of its origin:

  • Receiving investments in rubles. If the site accepts rubles and works with domestic QIWI systems, Yandex.Money or even WebMoney, this should cause a very serious suspicion.
  • Presence of the Russian version. Foreign administrators do not consider development as priority in the CIS countries, as their compatriots are ready to invest more and actively reinvest. Therefore, to spend money on making a Russian-language translation for users who do not represent much interest for the administration, no one will.
  • Russian-speaking support service. For the very reason that is described above, the admin does not have a reason to hire a person who will communicate with Russian investors, and pay him for it. Therefore, if you see a good Russian without errors, then the admin is unequivocally ours, if answering your questions, he uses an interpreter, then there may still be doubts.
  • Too clear translation of texts. If the site is in English, and you use Google or Yandex-translator, then the received text will tell whether the sources are written in the language of the medium. The fact is that the translation from true English will seem a set of words in the Russian version, if the text was originally written in Russian, and then it was translated, then it will be read without any problems.
  • Availability of offices and conferences in the CIS countries. It is very unlikely that the admin will spend a lot of money risking without knowing the specifics of our legislation and a bunch of other things to get closer to the Russian-speaking investor. It is much easier and cheaper for him to conduct all these offline insinuations in his country, in which everything is extremely clear and simple.

At the same time, do not be too naive and believe that if the project is registered in New Zealand or Hong Kong, then it is managed by an 100% foreigner. This is not an indicator at all, and a propiska for a project can be anything. And even if you checked the HYIP on all the parameters described above, it does not say with absolute certainty that you have a foreign project before you. Simply this can indicate the experience of the Russian admin, who paid due attention to detail, and therefore his "disguise" looks as plausible as possible.

And foreign haypas have cons ...

It would seem, look for yourself a foreign project and boldly depay. But, for some reason, despite such an excellent reputation for foreign projects, true foreign-based HYIPs are unattractive for most of our investors.

  • Here, the language barrier that exists between the administrator and the participant, the lack of popular payment methods, the difficulties in the registration process and the cooperation with the project, affects to a large extent.
  • Advertising mainly on foreign sites, such hype make it difficult for our investors to receive refback or insurance, learn the opinions of other participants.
  • In addition, our admins are more generous with interest rates, and if they like to work with low- and medium-income people abroad, our admins often run fasts. Although the project does not last long, exhausting itself, the first line of investors has the opportunity to earn very well.
  • Often, large amounts are accepted for investment, a foreign project can set a threshold for a minimum deposit amount of several hundred dollars.

  • Foreigners are also different. And if the standard of living in Europe or Canada is higher than in the CIS - then the administrator from Vietnam, India or Pakistan will probably be even greedy and unprincipled than our compatriot. Residents of really poor countries live on a few dollars a day, and of course for such a "poor" administrator even a couple of thousand dollars is a full life for his family.

Work with domestic administrators or seek out foreigners is a private matter for every investor. It is important only to understand that sometimes not the nationality of the admin will play a key role in whether you can make money or not. As practice shows, careful analysis of projects and skillful diversification of risks work much more efficiently than hunting for foreign HYIPs. So do not forget to carefully study what you add to your portfolio, and this will significantly increase your chances of profit.

1 review of "Foreign admins: myths and real facts about foreign managers"

  1. Avatar photo bah1970:

    SPb. for infu.